
​Support, inspire and empower all people through a collective effort of monetary donations

From providing groceries, to making housing possible, to providing a safe space for those with different needs, your gift will make a big impact.

The information contained on this Web site is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as advice. YAH's Dollar Project Inc, may not provide access to other World Wide Web sites, and we do not imply endorsement or approval of the products or information offered at those Web sites. Although YAH's Dollar Project Inc. attempts to respect your privacy in accessing this site, any information provided by you in accessing this site may not be protected. YAH's Dollar Project Inc, specifically disclaims any liability based on information provided on this site and disclaims liability for violations of your privacy in accessing or providing any information in accessing this or any other Web site.

YAH’S Dollar Project, inc. does not guarantee to meet all needs and has the right at the discretion of the organization to assist within available funds.

Yah's Dollar Project